Where do you get ideas for books?
Sometimes my ideas come from life experience e.g. The Mean Girl Who Never Speaks. The story is about Selective Mutism, a type of social anxiety I struggle with.
Other times my ideas are based on interesting places or animals. Crocodiles inspired The Blue Crocodile, an African mystery adventure.
My ideas also come from wanting to teach readers important lessons in a fun way e.g. Booger King Fights Back. The story shows how nose-picking is a gross habit.
My non-fiction books are based on topics that interest me e.g. 1500 Writing Prompts for Kids. It’s about writing stories, poems, speeches, etc. I would’ve loved a book like that when I was younger.
I have so many ideas that I always have something to write next. It can be hard to decide which idea I should go with. My solution is to stop trying to pick an idea. When I do that, one idea starts to develop by itself. Without trying, my brain starts expanding the idea. Characters and their problems develop, and even the story’s ending might appear. That’s when I sit down and start planning the story…