About Zuni Blue

a photo of zuni blue

I’m Zuni Blue. I’ve been writing non-fiction and fiction since I was a kid. I really love telling stories about the amazing world we live in. My characters are different races, genders, and live with various disabilities and abilities. Down below, I answered some questions so you can get to know me better.

Is Zuni Blue your real name?

What’s the best thing about being a writer?

What do you dislike about being a writer?

Where do you write stories?

Where do you get ideas for books?

Do you ever get writer’s block?

How long will you keep writing?

What is your favourite book?

If you weren’t a writer, which job would you choose?

What do you want to be remembered for?

What was your favourite subject at school?

What is your favourite colour?

What is your favourite vegetable and fruit?

What is your favourite animal?

What is the scariest monster you can imagine?

Would you ever go skydiving, bungee jumping or deep sea diving?

Thanks for getting to know me. Email me at contact@zuniblue.com if you have a question I haven’t answered yet. I’ll respond as soon as possible. Don’t forget your 500 free printables and downloadables here!


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