Happy 10th Birthday to Me! Part 3 of 3

I can’t believe that it’s been 10 years since I started writing children’s books. In Part 1 I talked about my books while Part 2 focused on what stopped me from writing. In Part 3, I’ll share what my future plans are for the next ten years…

More Mystery Adventures

I really, really enjoy writing mystery adventures. I wrote The Blue Crocodile (starring Jafari, Kendi, Fay and her dog Zoya) and enjoyed the action-packed scenes, the tension, the ups and downs, the suspense. I’ve written another action-packed mystery adventure book starring Mya Dove, her best friends Libby and Jimmy, and the D-twins (Dixon and Daria Davis). I enjoyed introducing my characters to each other! I’d love for both books to become a series someday, but that depends on what you, the readers, want. Maybe one story is enough. Maybe you’ll want more. We’ll see how it goes…

Spread God’s Word

Last year, I became a Christian again. I was away from God for around 20 years, but He welcomed me back with open arms. Yay! I’m planning a Christian children’s book series. It’ll feature two young characters who’ll learn important information, for example, how to get to Heaven, how to deal with bullies, how to pray, etc. I feel that God gave me the ability to write to spread His word. I just didn’t realise that until now.

Stop Hiding Myself

Writing a book is much easier than marketing it. Marketing a book is a bit scary for me. I’m always scared that you won’t like me because my social anxiety makes me come across as a bit strange sometimes, I think. I want to beat my fear of people not liking my books or me. I’ll be marketing more and taking the chance that people out there won’t like my stories. If I hide my work, the people who do like my work will never see it! Now that I’ll also have Christian books, it’s more important than ever to market. Those books will spread God’s word, just like Jesus Christ said we should.

What About You?

How have your last ten years been? Some of you weren’t even alive ten years ago, right? What are your goals for the next ten years? Maybe you’ll become a teenager or graduate from university. Maybe you’ll become a writer like me or start another job. Whatever you’re aiming for, I pray that you’ll reach your goals and discover what God has in store for you. We won’t always get what we want. Sometimes we get something even better…

Let’s Keep in Touch!

Sign up to my mailing list here for 500 free printables. You’ll also get emails from me once or twice a month. I’d love to hear from you so feel free to email me at contact@zuniblue.com. I’ll respond within 2 days, even at the weekend.

Happy 10th Birthday to Me! Part 1 of 3

I can’t believe that it’s been 10 years since I started writing children’s books. I decided to look back on how things have gone since 2013…

Detective Mya Dove

I’ve had social anxiety since I was a child. I’m always very nervous talking to people. Most people don’t know about social anxiety, so in 2013 I decided to write about it. I thought it would make a nice children’s book. I called it The Mean Girl Who Never Speaks. It’s my most popular book. It was followed by four more Detective Mya Dove books.

Six years later, I rebooted Mya Dove’s stories. I wanted to fix errors, typos, etc. Instead I ended up turning the short stories into novels! That wasn’t my original plan, but I decided to go with the flow.

I’d love to write five more Mya Dove stories. I have four planned so far but I’m not sure what the last book should be about. I need more time to think about it. When the series ends, it won’t be the last you see of Mya Dove. She’ll be in a different book that may be the start of a mystery adventure series. We’ll see how it goes…

The D-Twins

When I was a kid, I picked my nose and ate the boogers (Disgusting!). One day I was caught nibbling on a booger. Embarrassed, I haven’t eaten one since. In 2013, I decided to write a nose-picking story. I wondered how the boogers felt about being picked, poked and eaten. My idea became Booger King Fights Back. So far, there are three D-Twins stories. There is one left to publish and that may be the end of the series.

Remember how I rewrote and rebooted the Mya Dove books? Well, I’m doing that for the D-twins too. I feel that my storytelling is much better than it was ten years ago. The overall stories will stay the same, but there’ll be changes. Covers and blurbs will also be changed.

If you’d like the chance to read the rebooted D-Twins stories for free, sign up to my mailing list by clicking here. You’ll also get over 500 free printables for Mya Dove fans, D-Twins fans, young writers and young readers.

What happens when the rebooted D-Twins books are released? It’ll probably be the end of the series. After that, Dixon and Daria will be in a mystery adventure book with…Mya Dove! Yes, my characters will meet each other! Isn’t that exciting?

Young Authors Guide

When I was a kid, I wrote very short stories in notebooks and pieces of paper. I loved writing stories so much. That’s why I decided to write a young writers’ guide called How to Write Amazing Stories. It’s a short guide to help young authors get started on their own stories.

I’ve also written a writing prompt guide that’ll help young writers get started writing. It features different topics like outer space, sports, toys and family. I haven’t released the book yet, but I’m excited about it! It was fun thinking of so many writing prompts for kids.

If you’d like the chance to read the writing prompts guide for free, sign up to my mailing list by clicking here. You’ll also get over 500 free printables for Mya Dove fans, D-Twins fans, young writers and young readers.

What happens after the writing prompts guide is released? I’d love to publish an expanded edition of How to Write Amazing Stories. The original shorter version will still be available, but an expanded guide with lined pages would be great fun.

My Health Scare…

I haven’t written as much as I’d like over the past ten years. It’s for different reasons, but one big reason is my health. A year after I started publishing children’s books, I got sick. I’ll go into more detail in Part 2

Blue crocodiles don’t exist…or do they?

Blue crocodiles don’t exist. Jafari and his younger brother, Kendi, know this. But when they go on holiday to Africa, they hear a strange story about a blue crocodile. Are blue crocodiles real? The boys decide to find out.

To discover the world’s first blue crocodile, Jafari and Kendi enlist the help of their cousin, Fay, and her loyal dog, Zoya. But searching for crocodiles is risky, especially when they live in a huge forest full of hidden traps, sneaky hunters, and a deadly animal that even crocodiles fear…