Ask Zuni: What is your favourite animal?

What is your favourite animal?

It’s too hard to pick one because so many animals are amazing. Like people, they are all unique. If I have to pick one, I can’t…but I can pick two: Cats and horses! Cats are so cute and friendly. We used to have a black and white cat called Ruby! I also love horses. They are so wild and free. Their coats are beautiful, sleek and shiny, especially black horses.

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Ask Zuni: What is the scariest monster you can imagine?

What is the scariest monster you can imagine?

I hate spiders so, so much! I don’t like how they silently run around, jump from place to place, and sometimes dangle in the air. I walked into a web once! Argh! Because of my spider fear, my scariest monster would have to be a spider, but not just any spider…It would be a flying, jumping spider that can swim really fast and eat me. How could I escape? It would be terrifying!

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What is your favourite colour?

What is your favourite colour?

My favourite colour is…blue! I love it so much. It reminds me of deep-blue oceans and bright blue sunny skies. Royal blue is so regal and rich. Baby blue is so cute, perfect for babies! The colour has so much range!

If I had to choose a second favourite colour, I think I’d go with green. It reminds me of plants and trees. Like blue, the darkest and lightest shades cause such different feelings. Dark green is so serious and mature like an adult. Bright green is so fun and light-hearted like a child.

When I was younger, my favourite colour was yellow. I even had a bright yellow umbrella. Everyone in England should carry an umbrella because it can rain any time.

My second favourite colour was purple. I loved yellow and purple so much that my bedroom walls were yellow and the door was purple. Nowadays I prefer white walls and doors. White paint lets light bounce around the room.

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